I will be the first to admit it has taken me a long time to get acclimated to dark beers. I will also add that this is a appropriate beer to acclimate your palate to dark beers. Check out the pour on Wookey Jack in the picture below.
Wookey Jack: Firestone Walker, California
ABV: 8.3%
Style: American Black Ale
Rank: #2 in style at Beeradvocate.com
Wookey Jack pours a pitch black with a tan sticky foamy head. The smell is hops and roasted malt, with some citrus notes, coffee, chocolate. You can taste the rye spice on the palate, but that is very well balanced by the dark roasted malt. The citra hops also stand tall in this beer (citra hops is one of my personal favorites). And at 8.3%, Wookey Jack definitely packs a buzz but goes down very smooth. A definite malty and alcohol wave is perceived post-swallow.
Firestone really pushed the boarders and re-defined a black ale when developing Wookey Jack. The addition of rye spice to a black ale, combined with the almost smokey malt imparts this beer with a unique combination of flavors. And the track record and award-gathering of this beer speaks for itself! Definitely Wookey Jack a try if you can.
I purchased Wookey Jack at Consumer's Beverages.
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